Let's Golf More | Why You Should Join a Golf League
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Why You Should Join a Golf League

League golf can SEEM intimidating - handicaps, playing with new people, not knowing the scoring/format. In reality its just a great excuse to play more golf. The majority of the leagues hosted at Oak Glen are recreational, fun, and more about enjoying a post-round beer than counting birdies and bogeys.

League golf can SEEM intimidating - handicaps, playing with new people, not knowing the scoring/format. In reality its just a great excuse to play more golf. The majority of the leagues hosted at Oak Glen are recreational, fun, and more about enjoying a post-round beer than counting birdies and bogeys.

What is a league? One of the biggest misconceptions is that a league needs to be dozens of people playing the entire summer with good, low-handicap players. FALSE. Most leagues start as 8 or more friends saying something like, "we should play more golf this summer" or they morph from a regular group playing at a similar time on the same day each week. That is as simple as it can be - find some friends, commit to playing golf regularly. If you feel like you want more - create teams, track scores, make up a game, invite more friends... OR don't. Starting a league can be as simple as letting us know you're interested and having us schedule a recurring tee time for your group.

Why should you join a league? At the end of each season it's rare to hear our golfers say "I wish I would have golfed less this year." Leagues give you an excuse to make a habit of golfing. It creates a calendar of golf for you for the year. Everything else is just gravy outside of the golf league. Did you know most of our leagues are come-as-you-please meaning there's no commitment. Our Tuesday Mens League, Tuesday Womens League, and Friday Couples League are "drop in" leagues. Play as many weeks as you want. If you're busy, hating your game, or feeling under the weather - skip a week and come next week.

Find the Right League

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About Oak Glen

Oak Glen is two golf courses known for fantastic quality and a layout ideal for hosting outings and events. The banquet facility has capacity for parties up to 400 guests. We know how to host your party - big, small, formal, casual - you'll be in good hands.

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  • Address: 1599 McKusick Road N, Stillwater, MN 55082

  • Phone: (651) 439-6981

  • Email: info@oakglengolf.com

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